When your device for some reasons does not work like expected, contact us right away. We generally can not give support or make a refund on things that happened days ago. You can send us a email to support@trawire.com, sms/chat/WhatsApp at +3546517368 or use the contact forms on this site. Please have your order number and modem name ready when you contact us. It’s also very important that you completed the modem activation/registration at hotspot.rent.

  • FAQ
    • What if I activate wrong modem number?

      Dont worry, just send us a email (fx reply to activation email), a text message (SMS/WhatsApp) or call us if not replied within 48 hours (sometimes mails are delivered the wrong way ;), the junk mail is checked regularly). We will sort this out with you. Your modem has at least 2 or 3 days of Internet.

    • Limited vs Unlimited in Iceland

      So how to appreciate the freedom of unlimited Internet?

      How about comparing it to something that isn’t unlimited?
      Limited and runs out very quickly:
      Beer (0.5L) | €6 – €11 / $6 – $12
      Cappuccino | €3 – €6 / $3 – $7
      Coke/Pepsi (0.33L) | €1.5 – €3.5 / $1.5 – $4
      Water (0.33L) | €1.4 – €2.6 / $1.6 – $3

      Unlimited and never runs out:
      Trawire WiFi | €9 / $10

    • The modem keeps rebooting

      If the modem is stuck in rebooting cycle please do following: Peel back of modem. Use sharp object like pen and hold the  Reset button down for few seconds. Retry if necessary. Try to press the reset button immediately after the modem has finished the startup circle (“Vodofone” appears on screen). You know the modem is reset when it shows totally different SSID and Password.

    • My modem cable is broken
      Basic modem cables are regularly checked.
      Super & Ultra cables are always checked.
      If the unfortunate situation comes up that the cable is not working we urge all our customers to grab one from the nearest Gas station or Grocery store, we refund the cost back to customer registered payment card.
      Please check if charging is working before heading out on longer journeys to less populated areas.
    • I got free modem elsewhere. Can I cancel my order?

      If less than 2 days to pickup, no. See our no-show/cancel order policy in our other faq’s.

      We have prepared, shipped and made the modem available to you. Our suggestion is to keep the best WiFi solution you can get, using the best network and is from  Iceland’s only dedicated modem expert.

      If you find out afterwards that you have a free modem available, fx with a car rental, politely ask the car rental to give you a discount that matches our modem rental fee. Their extra insurances or larger vehicle cost, does always allow a few dollar discount. We know it because we rent out vehicles too.

    • What is "Fair Usage"?

      Our customers share internet connections. So if one user is constantly downloading, it will slow the connection for the other users who are on at the same time.  Fair usage policies limit the usage of one user over another at peak times so that the performance is not affected for the rest of the group.
      Fair Usage daily limits for Basic Modems is 10GB.

    • How do I modify my order

      Just reply to the order confirmation sent from orders@trawire.com with the request. Do not worry about same day delays of few hours time change. Just pickup when you can.

      If you need changing pickup or return dates, the modification has a fee of $20.

      You can buy a modification insurance when you order our modem.

    • No-Show and canceling an order

      If you are arriving through Keflavik Airport, please allow 1-2 hours to go through the airport after you land.

      Cancelling a order on same date the hire is due to start is treated as No-Show. If you cancel the order by contacting us and/or if no formal cancellation is received the No-Show fee is 100%. Even with our cancellation insurance, No-Show does apply if customer fails to cancel.

      If you cancel an order more than 28 days before your hire period is due to start, then again there’s no cancellation fee.

      However, if you want to cancel an order less than 28 days before your hire is due to start, there’s a cancellation fee of 25% of the hire charge, rising to 50% of the hire charge if you cancel less than 14 days before your hire is due to start.

      If you cancel less than 2 days before pickup there is no refund as your modem has been prepared. 

      There are no refunds on early returned orders.

      Extra delivery options or insurances, purchased with order are non refundable if cancellation is placed less than 7 days before arrival.

    • Order modification fee

      For changes in orders (date changes, modem types) we have a order modification fee of  $20. You can purchase a insurance that covers this fee when you order.

    • I can’t activate. My SSID is Huawei...

      Just inform us with email to support@trawire.com.

    • Connecting to modem
      1. Turn on the modem by holding the power button for few sec
      2. Wait for a wifi signal on your device (SSID is Trawire or Hotspot)
      3. Connect using password on screen or password shown in modem menu (see video here)
    • How to get the fastest connection?

      Tip #1
      Place the modem high.

      Tip #2
      Keep the modem connected to high power charger (2A or more) when possible.

      Tip #3
      Turn off all cloud sharing on your phone and you will not use your bandwidth/speed on something totally unnecessary.

      Tip #4
      Remove battery cover (back) and battery for few secs – Assembly again and turn on. You will have a “fresh” modem.

    • What is unlimited usage? How can I help?

      Your modem has unlimited data as long as it is used responsible. We monitor the usage and inform if people goes to wild. The more aggressively the usage you have there is less for others around you.

      If you are going wild (more than 20 GB a day) you will be warned with message/email and will be in risk of being throttled or total service cutoff.
      Turn off all cloud sharing on your phone and you will reduce your usage a lot without noticing it. Just upload to cloud when on hotel wifi or just when you are back home. 
      Thank you for your understanding
    • Can I return the modem right after pickup and get a full refund?

      In general? No.

      If you pickup the modem and decide you do not need it (by returning it to mailbox), we will not refund your order.

      The modem has been taken out of possible use for others, we have paid the reseller for delivery as you have picked up the modem, we have paid for return postage and we have to wait for the modem to return by post before being able to rent it out again.

      If you return the modem back to pickup location around time of scheduled pickup, we consider a full refund in very special cases. You need to get verification from us or staff at pickup location that you have returned right away and the box is ok/unopened.

    • No connection or if nothing works

      Better connection:

      • Place the modem on highest possible point in car/indoors.
      • If you have a USB car charger, plug the modem in while using it. when connected to power it will not reduce signal power to save battery. Please note that some chargers are low powered so it may not charge while in use at the same time.
      • Remove and erase all connection setting on your devices and connect again to the modem.

      No signal – verify signal:

      • Check your/others phone mobile signal bars (if possible) and compare it to the modem signal.
      • Restart the modem by pressing the Power Button for 10 seconds.
      • Remove back cover, battery and SIM card and assembly again. Restart.

      If nothing works:

      • Reset the modem by pressing reset button for several seconds with fx paper clip. If you reset the modem it will also change default wifi settings. The reset buttun is behind the battery cover on the modem back. Restart. You should see the new network name and password on the modem screen when power button/WPS/menu button is pressed.
      • No luck? Contact Trawire
    • The modem does not show up in my network list

      Some mobile phones do not recognise modified network names. First try restarting phone as it does often help. The solution is reset the modem by pressing reset button for several seconds with fx paper clip. If you reset the modem it will also change default wifi settings. The reset button is behind the battery cover on the modem back. Restart. You should see the new network name and password on the modem screen when power button/WPS/menu button is pressed.

    • Why use Mobile Hotspot in Iceland? I have free roaming!

      It’s about offering unlimited wifi for you and up to 10 of your travel friends, unlimited, everywhere! You can hook-up all your wifi-enabled devices (not just cellphones) to the portable hotspot and use it wherever you go. Roaming with your own service provider does not guarantee unlimited access to Iceland’s fastest network in your car, in the bus, in your tent, while you’re hiking, on your bike and when you’re relaxed in your rented cottage or a hotel room.

      Foreign roaming access is often throttled (by your own service provider) and you are possibly using up your subscription at home.

      See our little comparison of available choices here.

      You can call everyone at home or at work with fx. Skype, Viber or FaceTime.
      You come home with your phone data plan/subscription unused.
      Best of all you are still using the telephone number everyone knows.

    • Connecting: Modem name & password

      You can start immediately after receiving the modem.

      Turn on the modem by holding the power button for more than 3 sec.


      Most of our modems have SSID/WiFi name and password visible on the front screen.

      On some of the never modems you need to access the password using the menu button as shown above

    • Insert SIM card error

      If this error is shown on your modem screen, do the following:
      – remove the back of the modem
      – remove the battery
      – adjust the SIM card
      Assembly again and power up the modem again.

    • Save time and activate?

      We ask you to activate the modems as soon as possible after pickup. Why? Because the modem has just 10 mb of data until activated, it’s easier to support you and most important we need to be able to confirm your modem return. So save time and money and go to hotspot.rent to activate.

    • Good to know - Charging the modem

      All our modems are rented out with USB cord you can use/charge with your laptop or your own mobile/tablet charger. In more expensive Modem Packages car charger and/or USB wall charger is included. The chargers we provide are high powered so you can hold the modem fully charged while in full use.

      If you bring your own adapter – Make sure its high powered (should be able to charge iPads/Tablets)

    • Is there some security or password protection so someone standing next to me cannot use my wifi?

      Yes our modems are locked with network name and password.

    • Signal and Battery

      It’s Iceland so getting the best signal out in the wilderness can be tricky. We recommend following:

      • To maintain power. Use high power charger or “rest” the modem if the mobile signal is weak. If the modem is constantly trying to get a signal and on top of that everybody is using data, the battery will drain fast. Some CigarLighter car chargers/car USB sockets are low powered so they will not keep up unless you turn off the modem/reduce usage while charging to full.
      • To maintain signal. Place the modem high and near windows. Keep it plugged in when driving if possible. Move around to catch other/stronger signal. Be aware of that at very crowded attractions, other tourists around you are likely tying to get some signal too.
      • If something does not work. If you found out that our device, cables or other add-ons does not work, use yours (what you might have) and/or contact us asap. We will refund you for your trouble or meet the purchase cost if needed.

      Read the manual. Remember that some parts of Iceland are so remote that we can’t guarantee any quick fixes unless with Helicopter… which we don’t have ;). Any errors, broken signals or devices not working will be met at the best way possible.

      In Iceland the signal can get totally lost if your not sticking to the main roads. See coverage map

    • How long does the battery last?

      Depending on usage the battery should last 4-7 hours. More data – Less battery time. Trawire Business version has 3 times the battery life of the other modems. All modems come with USB cord for use/charge with a laptop or mobile/tablet charger.

      Help us keeping this low cost and unlimited. Please return all our attached cords and extras.

    • What currencies does Trawire accept?

      US Dollars only!
      However, since there are currency restrictions in Iceland, currently in effect, the amount due and paid is converted into ISK and will appear in ISK on the credit-card holders statement.

    • Damage / Wear and Tear?

      We expect you to look after the rented devices as if they were your own. However, we want you to use and enjoy it rather than keep it wrapped in cotton wool. So we will treat any minor marks as the results of ordinary wear and tear. However deep scratches on the device, or any dents to the mounting will be considered damage and will affect your rental amount. We have insurance that covers that and can be bought when you order.

    • Trawire office opening times?

      We are within reach 9 am – 5pm, 5 days a week. We are not constant at our office but we answer your emails as quickly as we can. Our delivery locations have 24/7 delivery (Self-Service for Pickup).

      Please contact us on +354 651 RENT (651-7368) or by e-mail: orders@trawire.com

    • What happens if I damage a device?

      Please contact us immediately – Tel: +354 651 RENT(7368)! 

      You will receive information on the process via telephone.

      The standard process is to return the damaged device immediately to Trawire, along with a damage description. The description  must state the extent of the damage, how the damage occurred, where the damage occurred (both location and where, on the device).

      We have insurance that covers damage and can be bought when you order.

      Trawire will send the device to an authorized service centre for assessment and repair and if applicable, the client will be charged accordingly. For more information, please see our terms and conditions.

      Should Trawire need to replace the device or should the client need to rent a new device, then replacement fees and postal will be charged  insurance credit-card. However, if the clients has home-based insurance to covers such damage, then Trawire will negotiate directly with the insurance company in question. For more information, please see our terms and conditions.


    • What happens if I lose / have an device stolen?

      We have insurance that covers that and can be bought when you order!

      The first thing to do is to let us know immediately. We will buy a replacement device and charge you for a replacement (up to $100) and the postal costs involved (if applicable).  If you do not have lost/damage insurance from us the rest is left with your insurance company and policy.

      Please see our Terms and Conditions.

  • Delivery
    • What if I activate wrong modem number?

      Dont worry, just send us a email (fx reply to activation email), a text message (SMS/WhatsApp) or call us if not replied within 48 hours (sometimes mails are delivered the wrong way ;), the junk mail is checked regularly). We will sort this out with you. Your modem has at least 2 or 3 days of Internet.

    • What happens if I leave the country with the modem?

      Well that’s very unfortunate. The modem will not be rentable while in your possession so additional rental charges can be added.

      If you inform us asap after departure we give you the chance to return by post from your home country. Please ship the modem to: Trawire, Pobox 24, 270 Mosfellsbær, Iceland. Traceable package is preferred so we can monitor the return. We recommend using USPS.

    • No-Show and canceling an order

      If you are arriving through Keflavik Airport, please allow 1-2 hours to go through the airport after you land.

      Cancelling a order on same date the hire is due to start is treated as No-Show. If you cancel the order by contacting us and/or if no formal cancellation is received the No-Show fee is 100%. Even with our cancellation insurance, No-Show does apply if customer fails to cancel.

      If you cancel an order more than 28 days before your hire period is due to start, then again there’s no cancellation fee.

      However, if you want to cancel an order less than 28 days before your hire is due to start, there’s a cancellation fee of 25% of the hire charge, rising to 50% of the hire charge if you cancel less than 14 days before your hire is due to start.

      If you cancel less than 2 days before pickup there is no refund as your modem has been prepared. 

      There are no refunds on early returned orders.

      Extra delivery options or insurances, purchased with order are non refundable if cancellation is placed less than 7 days before arrival.

    • Cancellation - Circumstances out of my control

      If you need to cancel the order because of circumstances out of your control (weather, sickness etc..) we consider a refund after you send us proof of that your Travel Insurances did not cover or denied your claims.

      If you purchase cancellation/modification insurance from Trawire you will be refunded full rental amount.  The insurance fee is not refunded.

      Trawire cancellation/modification insurance is only valid until order pickup date. After physical modem pickup there is no order refund.

    • What is unlimited usage? How can I help?

      Your modem has unlimited data as long as it is used responsible. We monitor the usage and inform if people goes to wild. The more aggressively the usage you have there is less for others around you.

      If you are going wild (more than 20 GB a day) you will be warned with message/email and will be in risk of being throttled or total service cutoff.
      Turn off all cloud sharing on your phone and you will reduce your usage a lot without noticing it. Just upload to cloud when on hotel wifi or just when you are back home. 
      Thank you for your understanding
    • Can I return the modem right after pickup and get a full refund?

      In general? No.

      If you pickup the modem and decide you do not need it (by returning it to mailbox), we will not refund your order.

      The modem has been taken out of possible use for others, we have paid the reseller for delivery as you have picked up the modem, we have paid for return postage and we have to wait for the modem to return by post before being able to rent it out again.

      If you return the modem back to pickup location around time of scheduled pickup, we consider a full refund in very special cases. You need to get verification from us or staff at pickup location that you have returned right away and the box is ok/unopened.

    • I lost my return box/my box is damaged beyond usage

      No problem. You can send it in normal envelope via post (250 gr. stamp and envelope can be bought at the post office/souvenir shop. The postal address is: Trawire, PoBox 24, 270 Mosfellsbaer.

    • Delivery: The orange pickup/return box

      Your modem comes in a orange reusable box/envelope Please use the same box for return, Pack it and drop to mailbox (fx at the Airport). We urge our customers to return the modem, fully charged to mailbox at the airport so we can prepare the modem for next customer. We reuse the orange boxes as often we can, When dropped in mailbox at the airport the only one handling our modem is Icelandic Post. When dropped at storefront it goes through many hands and things can get lost as we do not have any return agreement with our pickup location partners.

      The Pickup/Return process:
      – Pickup
      After your plane lands, go through bagage pickup and Customs gate. Head to TenEleven store in the Arrivals Hall, show voucher to cashier. After receiving the modem package, open it and draw out the modem (keep the package for return and look at instructions inside the box). Turn the modem on and wait for its wifi signal (in your device’s wifi-setup). Connect to the modem with the password shown on the screen/in the modem menu (press menu button – see our faq how to see the modem info). After successful connection, head to www.hotspot.rent/activate to activate and register the modem.

      – Return
      Pack the modem and USB cord, Fully Charged, using the same box the modem came in. Deliver it to one of two mailboxes at the Airport (its pre-stamped). One mailbox is  in the check-in hall and another one in the main  food hall after the security gate.

    • Easiest return?

      All modems are returned with the same orenge box it came in. Just drop the modem-box to nearest mailbox. There are mailboxes for returning the modem at Keflavik International Airport.

      One mailbox is  in the check-in hall and another one in the main  food hall after the security gate.

      The easiest return method is at the Airport Departure hall (near Icelandair check-in). 

    • Who is responsible for the modem return?

      You are until you drop it to the mailbox.

      We urge our customers to return the modem direct to mailbox. If handed elsewhere, for example to a hotel front desk or at the car rental, the customer (you) is still responsible for the return process from that point until it reaches Trawire office.

    • Picking up the modem - Please show your confirmation!
      Pickup at cashier:
      Direction to selected pickup location is shown on you online voucher. At the end of the order process the voucher is the last page/confirmation page. You also get confirmation email from orders@trawire.com. For pickup you can either print out your Voucher or open in your device and show to cashiers at chosen pickup destination.
      You may be asked to confirm order number (5 digits), name on order and selected pickup location.

      We do always send a copy of the voucher from orders@trawire.com to the email address used in purchase process. Please check you spam mail if  email does not appear. You can always contact us and ask us to send the link again.

      On date of pickup and return it is best to meet us on given booking time and location. Your device has been  reserved and made available to you. Should you fail to pick up the unit on pickup date, Trawire reserves the right to charge a No Show Fee. 
      Please see our FAQ for “No Show” and “Cancelling Orders”

      Please activate/register the modem online right after pickup. See order confirmation or slips inside box for more info.

    • How to navigate to pickup points without mobile internet.

      Download an area to use offline
      1. On your phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app .
      2. Make sure you’re connected to the Internet and signed in to Google Maps.
      3. Search for a place, like San Francisco .
      4. At the bottom, tap the bar that has the name of the place you searched. …
      5. Select Download .

    • Selecting Pickup time - Be accurate

      Select pickup and return time as accurate as you can as the modems do not stay very long at selected pickup location. Example: You land at 07:00 am it will take you at least one hour to go through airport. Pickup should been set to 08:00 am.

      We always monitor usage and will charge extra for any unusual extra usage (being little late is of course ok ;)).

    • Choosing hotel delivery

      We only deliver to hotels within the greater Reykjavík area and only to hotel with a front desk service.

      For more expensive modem packages you can choose to have the modem delivered to hotels. The hotel has to have full front desk service to receive the modem package and be able to forward the modem package to it’s customers. The customer has to have the hotel permission to receive the modem through their front desk. Included in the hotel package is a prepaid envelope for postal return (drop it in any mailbox in Iceland). You can find locations of mailboxes (postkassar) here.

    • Delivering with car rental

      We do not deliver with car rentals.

    • Is there a minimum rental time?

      Short answer… no. Minimum $30 is added to orders 3 days or less. There is a 48 hour prebooking limit. You can pickup last minute at Airport without preordering, see www.hotspot.rent. There are special deliver costs within the capital area based on type of delivery.

    • How quickly can I get the rented device?

      If ordered online beforehand the device will be ready at  the designated Pick-Up location on chosen day and time. You will have to specifiy exact location when promted.

      All preorder requires a minimum 48 hours delivery time. Rates and delivery vary according to item and quantities.

      You can order and pickup at the Airport without preorder. See www.hotspot.rent for more info.

      If you are arriving through Keflavik Airport, please allow 12 hours in pickup time after you land.

    • Can I return the device early?

      Yes certainly, but unfortunately we cannot offer a refund or credit for the unused portion of your hire period. Use the included prepaid postal envelope and return the device to the nearest mailbox in Iceland.

    • What if I return the device late?

      We monitor usage after given return date and time. Unfortunately, you’re going to have to pay a late return fee. The cost will be a standard full day charge for each day the device is late.

    • What shipping costs will be charged?

      Normal shipping costs within the capital is $15. For the rest of Iceland there will be charged shipping costs $25-45 depending on location if the modem is delivered with the postal service.

  • Payment
    • No-Show and canceling an order

      If you are arriving through Keflavik Airport, please allow 1-2 hours to go through the airport after you land.

      Cancelling a order on same date the hire is due to start is treated as No-Show. If you cancel the order by contacting us and/or if no formal cancellation is received the No-Show fee is 100%. Even with our cancellation insurance, No-Show does apply if customer fails to cancel.

      If you cancel an order more than 28 days before your hire period is due to start, then again there’s no cancellation fee.

      However, if you want to cancel an order less than 28 days before your hire is due to start, there’s a cancellation fee of 25% of the hire charge, rising to 50% of the hire charge if you cancel less than 14 days before your hire is due to start.

      If you cancel less than 2 days before pickup there is no refund as your modem has been prepared. 

      There are no refunds on early returned orders.

      Extra delivery options or insurances, purchased with order are non refundable if cancellation is placed less than 7 days before arrival.

    • Before you ask for a chargeback!

      Cardholders need to remember that owning a credit card is a privilege, not a right. Certain responsibilities come with that privilege; one is understanding what chargebacks are and when they can ethically and legally be used.
      There are few things to consider before you ask for a chargeback:

      1. It’s a tool to use as a last resort. If negotiations with us do not succeed, you have an option to file for a chargeback. Chargebacks should only be filed in extreme situations; they are the last resort, not the first action to take when seeking a refund. Chargebacks shouldn’t be used frivolously, as the ramifications for us are quite severe.
      2. You should not use chargeback unless contacting us first. If  you are unsatisfied with a purchase, simply filing a chargeback without first seeking a traditional refund is the equivalent of cyber shoplifting.
      3. It will take time. Filing a chargeback means that you won’t get a refund for several months (a traditional refund, by comparison, usually returns money to your account within a few days).
      4. It will affect your bank relations. If denied your bank will not look you the same way as before.
      5. It will always cost us money. Chargeback costs us $10 to $100 on the day it is received.
      6. It can cost you money. If we successfully disputes an illegitimate chargeback, you might have to pay the accompanying chargeback fees.
      7. You could be in a risk of being blacklisted. If you use chargeback illegally or in a wrong manner we do not want you as our customer again.
    • What is unlimited usage? How can I help?

      Your modem has unlimited data as long as it is used responsible. We monitor the usage and inform if people goes to wild. The more aggressively the usage you have there is less for others around you.

      If you are going wild (more than 20 GB a day) you will be warned with message/email and will be in risk of being throttled or total service cutoff.
      Turn off all cloud sharing on your phone and you will reduce your usage a lot without noticing it. Just upload to cloud when on hotel wifi or just when you are back home. 
      Thank you for your understanding
    • Having trouble to book?

      From frontpage:
      try going direct to “Book 4G Modem” in menu

      Remember to check the terms.

      See this booking process on a iPad

      Or just rent one on arrival at KEF Airport without preorder. See www.hotspot.rent

      Please see return tips and other good info here https://iceland.trawire.com/frequently-asked-questions/

    • Who is responsible for the modem return?

      You are until you drop it to the mailbox.

      We urge our customers to return the modem direct to mailbox. If handed elsewhere, for example to a hotel front desk or at the car rental, the customer (you) is still responsible for the return process from that point until it reaches Trawire office.

    • Picking up the modem - Please show your confirmation!
      Pickup at cashier:
      Direction to selected pickup location is shown on you online voucher. At the end of the order process the voucher is the last page/confirmation page. You also get confirmation email from orders@trawire.com. For pickup you can either print out your Voucher or open in your device and show to cashiers at chosen pickup destination.
      You may be asked to confirm order number (5 digits), name on order and selected pickup location.

      We do always send a copy of the voucher from orders@trawire.com to the email address used in purchase process. Please check you spam mail if  email does not appear. You can always contact us and ask us to send the link again.

      On date of pickup and return it is best to meet us on given booking time and location. Your device has been  reserved and made available to you. Should you fail to pick up the unit on pickup date, Trawire reserves the right to charge a No Show Fee. 
      Please see our FAQ for “No Show” and “Cancelling Orders”

      Please activate/register the modem online right after pickup. See order confirmation or slips inside box for more info.

    • Is VAT included on the prices?

      Yes! All our prices are with VAT.

    • What currencies does Trawire accept?

      US Dollars only!
      However, since there are currency restrictions in Iceland, currently in effect, the amount due and paid is converted into ISK and will appear in ISK on the credit-card holders statement.

    • When is my credit/debit card charged?

      When you place the order, Dalpay, Trawire’s gateway for payments,  will validate your credit/debit card and provide an authorisation for the total amount of the charge.

      Note for Departure!
      If you bring the device out of the country you will be contacted and charged for modem loss if not returned.

    • What methods of payment do you accept?

      We accept credit and debit cards – MasterCard, Visa, Maestro, Visa Debit, Electron and American Express.

    • Do you charge a holding deposit?

      No but we charge you minimum fee for each order.

    • Can under 18’s rent a device from Trawire?

      We cannot lease modems to under 18’s. However, we recognize that parents may wish to rent a device for their child / children for educational, recreational or holiday purposes and this perfectly fine as long as the standard  security conditions are met. If security conditions are met then a parent / adult must be the guarantor for the rented device. The parent / adult must book the device and we will require a deposit equal to the value of the device before we release it. This will meet the conditions of our insurance company.

    • Can I extend my hire period?

      Yes no problem. Just go to Hotspot.rent Extra Days. Any questions? Send us email to orders@trawire.com.

  • Device orders
    • I got free modem elsewhere. Can I cancel my order?

      If less than 2 days to pickup, no. See our no-show/cancel order policy in our other faq’s.

      We have prepared, shipped and made the modem available to you. Our suggestion is to keep the best WiFi solution you can get, using the best network and is from  Iceland’s only dedicated modem expert.

      If you find out afterwards that you have a free modem available, fx with a car rental, politely ask the car rental to give you a discount that matches our modem rental fee. Their extra insurances or larger vehicle cost, does always allow a few dollar discount. We know it because we rent out vehicles too.

    • How do I modify my order

      Just reply to the order confirmation sent from orders@trawire.com with the request. Do not worry about same day delays of few hours time change. Just pickup when you can.

      If you need changing pickup or return dates, the modification has a fee of $20.

      You can buy a modification insurance when you order our modem.

    • No-Show and canceling an order

      If you are arriving through Keflavik Airport, please allow 1-2 hours to go through the airport after you land.

      Cancelling a order on same date the hire is due to start is treated as No-Show. If you cancel the order by contacting us and/or if no formal cancellation is received the No-Show fee is 100%. Even with our cancellation insurance, No-Show does apply if customer fails to cancel.

      If you cancel an order more than 28 days before your hire period is due to start, then again there’s no cancellation fee.

      However, if you want to cancel an order less than 28 days before your hire is due to start, there’s a cancellation fee of 25% of the hire charge, rising to 50% of the hire charge if you cancel less than 14 days before your hire is due to start.

      If you cancel less than 2 days before pickup there is no refund as your modem has been prepared. 

      There are no refunds on early returned orders.

      Extra delivery options or insurances, purchased with order are non refundable if cancellation is placed less than 7 days before arrival.

    • Modem extras

      Some things are worth adding. You can add them at checkout.

      Device Insurance | Do not worry about mishaps with your modem. Select this insurance and we can cover any modem damage or loss. Only valid if you register/activate the modem right after pickup.

      Cancellation and modification insurance | Sometimes you need to cancel unexpectedly or make changes to your booking. Secure no extra fees. Only valid if you register/activate the modem right after pickup.

      Keep the modem | Buy the modem from us. Just return the SIM card and the USB cord with the return box. Use the modem further on your upcoming travels. The modems can be used in both US and Europe. You can buy new SIM Card in many places in your destination country. Only valid if you register/activate the modem right after pickup.

      More Iceland? | We know a lot about Iceland. Exciting and far-from-crowded places. Let us put together a sample itinerary for your upcoming trip, based on your desired location. In co-operation with LuxuryRovers.com.

      Depending on the length of your trip, here are our recommended priorities:

      • 1 day: Golden Circle, Blue Lagoon
      • 2 days, add: South Coast
      • 3 days, add: More time in Reykjavík
      • 4 days, add: Westman Islands
      • 6 days, add: Nature excursions
      • 8 days, add: West Iceland
      • 10 days, add: Ring Road drive
      • More time: Add more nature excursions, slow down


    • What is unlimited usage? How can I help?

      Your modem has unlimited data as long as it is used responsible. We monitor the usage and inform if people goes to wild. The more aggressively the usage you have there is less for others around you.

      If you are going wild (more than 20 GB a day) you will be warned with message/email and will be in risk of being throttled or total service cutoff.
      Turn off all cloud sharing on your phone and you will reduce your usage a lot without noticing it. Just upload to cloud when on hotel wifi or just when you are back home. 
      Thank you for your understanding
    • I'm arriving last minute - How can I get modem?

      You can order and pickup at arrival. See www.hotspot.rent (also Trawire)

      – Pickup without preorder

      After your plane lands, go through both baggage pickup and Customs gate. Head to TenEleven Grocery Store in the Arrivals Hall, order and pay on touchscreen, show voucher to DD cashier. After receiving the modem package, open it and draw out the modem (keep the package for return and look at instructions inside the box). Turn the modem on and wait for its wifi signal (in your device’s wifi-setup). Connect to the modem with the password shown on the screen/in the modem menu (press menu button – see our faq how to see or access the modem info). After successful connection, head to www.hotspot.rent/activate to activate and register the modem.

    • Having trouble to book?

      From frontpage:
      try going direct to “Book 4G Modem” in menu

      Remember to check the terms.

      See this booking process on a iPad

      Or just rent one on arrival at KEF Airport without preorder. See www.hotspot.rent

      Please see return tips and other good info here https://iceland.trawire.com/frequently-asked-questions/

    • Who is responsible for the modem return?

      You are until you drop it to the mailbox.

      We urge our customers to return the modem direct to mailbox. If handed elsewhere, for example to a hotel front desk or at the car rental, the customer (you) is still responsible for the return process from that point until it reaches Trawire office.

    • Picking up the modem - Please show your confirmation!
      Pickup at cashier:
      Direction to selected pickup location is shown on you online voucher. At the end of the order process the voucher is the last page/confirmation page. You also get confirmation email from orders@trawire.com. For pickup you can either print out your Voucher or open in your device and show to cashiers at chosen pickup destination.
      You may be asked to confirm order number (5 digits), name on order and selected pickup location.

      We do always send a copy of the voucher from orders@trawire.com to the email address used in purchase process. Please check you spam mail if  email does not appear. You can always contact us and ask us to send the link again.

      On date of pickup and return it is best to meet us on given booking time and location. Your device has been  reserved and made available to you. Should you fail to pick up the unit on pickup date, Trawire reserves the right to charge a No Show Fee. 
      Please see our FAQ for “No Show” and “Cancelling Orders”

      Please activate/register the modem online right after pickup. See order confirmation or slips inside box for more info.

    • How to navigate to pickup points without mobile internet.

      Download an area to use offline
      1. On your phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app .
      2. Make sure you’re connected to the Internet and signed in to Google Maps.
      3. Search for a place, like San Francisco .
      4. At the bottom, tap the bar that has the name of the place you searched. …
      5. Select Download .

    • Selecting Pickup time - Be accurate

      Select pickup and return time as accurate as you can as the modems do not stay very long at selected pickup location. Example: You land at 07:00 am it will take you at least one hour to go through airport. Pickup should been set to 08:00 am.

      We always monitor usage and will charge extra for any unusual extra usage (being little late is of course ok ;)).

    • Does it matter what return time is selected?

      More accurate is better. We monitor usage so if we see a lot of usage after given drop off time we could ask the reason for it. Each rental day is calculated as 24 hours. Whole new rental day is added after the first hour of  next day is selected.

    • Choosing hotel delivery

      We only deliver to hotels within the greater Reykjavík area and only to hotel with a front desk service.

      For more expensive modem packages you can choose to have the modem delivered to hotels. The hotel has to have full front desk service to receive the modem package and be able to forward the modem package to it’s customers. The customer has to have the hotel permission to receive the modem through their front desk. Included in the hotel package is a prepaid envelope for postal return (drop it in any mailbox in Iceland). You can find locations of mailboxes (postkassar) here.

    • Can I hire more than one devices at a time?

      Yes. Online you can almost order as many as you want (100). For special discount for multiple devices (+10) you can send us a email to orders@trawire.com in order to receive a quote  and is subject to availability and season dependent.

    • Can I extend my hire period?

      Yes no problem. Just go to Hotspot.rent Extra Days. Any questions? Send us email to orders@trawire.com.

    • How quickly can I get the rented device?

      If ordered online beforehand the device will be ready at  the designated Pick-Up location on chosen day and time. You will have to specifiy exact location when promted.

      All preorder requires a minimum 48 hours delivery time. Rates and delivery vary according to item and quantities.

      You can order and pickup at the Airport without preorder. See www.hotspot.rent for more info.

      If you are arriving through Keflavik Airport, please allow 12 hours in pickup time after you land.

    • When does the rental period start?

      The official rental period begins from selected date and time on your order. The rental period ends when you return the device, at the Airport. The delivery is not included in the calculation of the rent so you only pay for the first day / calender day for the use of the device.

    • Are the devices insured?

      Insurance is NOT included in the booking process but we will charge you up to $100 for loss or major damaged device.

      Normally insurance does not cover theft, loss of device or damage to the rented device(s).

      We have insurances that can be bought when you order.

    • Can I take rented device outside Iceland?

      No. Please do not.

      Note for KEF Airport!
      You can return the device at the Airport in a mailbox inside the Airport Hall (after security).

  • Pickup
    • What if I activate wrong modem number?

      Dont worry, just send us a email (fx reply to activation email), a text message (SMS/WhatsApp) or call us if not replied within 48 hours (sometimes mails are delivered the wrong way ;), the junk mail is checked regularly). We will sort this out with you. Your modem has at least 2 or 3 days of Internet.

    • I got free modem elsewhere. Can I cancel my order?

      If less than 2 days to pickup, no. See our no-show/cancel order policy in our other faq’s.

      We have prepared, shipped and made the modem available to you. Our suggestion is to keep the best WiFi solution you can get, using the best network and is from  Iceland’s only dedicated modem expert.

      If you find out afterwards that you have a free modem available, fx with a car rental, politely ask the car rental to give you a discount that matches our modem rental fee. Their extra insurances or larger vehicle cost, does always allow a few dollar discount. We know it because we rent out vehicles too.

    • What happens if I leave the country with the modem?

      Well that’s very unfortunate. The modem will not be rentable while in your possession so additional rental charges can be added.

      If you inform us asap after departure we give you the chance to return by post from your home country. Please ship the modem to: Trawire, Pobox 24, 270 Mosfellsbær, Iceland. Traceable package is preferred so we can monitor the return. We recommend using USPS.

    • No-Show and canceling an order

      If you are arriving through Keflavik Airport, please allow 1-2 hours to go through the airport after you land.

      Cancelling a order on same date the hire is due to start is treated as No-Show. If you cancel the order by contacting us and/or if no formal cancellation is received the No-Show fee is 100%. Even with our cancellation insurance, No-Show does apply if customer fails to cancel.

      If you cancel an order more than 28 days before your hire period is due to start, then again there’s no cancellation fee.

      However, if you want to cancel an order less than 28 days before your hire is due to start, there’s a cancellation fee of 25% of the hire charge, rising to 50% of the hire charge if you cancel less than 14 days before your hire is due to start.

      If you cancel less than 2 days before pickup there is no refund as your modem has been prepared. 

      There are no refunds on early returned orders.

      Extra delivery options or insurances, purchased with order are non refundable if cancellation is placed less than 7 days before arrival.

    • Cancellation - Circumstances out of my control

      If you need to cancel the order because of circumstances out of your control (weather, sickness etc..) we consider a refund after you send us proof of that your Travel Insurances did not cover or denied your claims.

      If you purchase cancellation/modification insurance from Trawire you will be refunded full rental amount.  The insurance fee is not refunded.

      Trawire cancellation/modification insurance is only valid until order pickup date. After physical modem pickup there is no order refund.

    • Connecting to modem
      1. Turn on the modem by holding the power button for few sec
      2. Wait for a wifi signal on your device (SSID is Trawire or Hotspot)
      3. Connect using password on screen or password shown in modem menu (see video here)
    • How to get the fastest connection?

      Tip #1
      Place the modem high.

      Tip #2
      Keep the modem connected to high power charger (2A or more) when possible.

      Tip #3
      Turn off all cloud sharing on your phone and you will not use your bandwidth/speed on something totally unnecessary.

      Tip #4
      Remove battery cover (back) and battery for few secs – Assembly again and turn on. You will have a “fresh” modem.

    • What is unlimited usage? How can I help?

      Your modem has unlimited data as long as it is used responsible. We monitor the usage and inform if people goes to wild. The more aggressively the usage you have there is less for others around you.

      If you are going wild (more than 20 GB a day) you will be warned with message/email and will be in risk of being throttled or total service cutoff.
      Turn off all cloud sharing on your phone and you will reduce your usage a lot without noticing it. Just upload to cloud when on hotel wifi or just when you are back home. 
      Thank you for your understanding
    • Can I return the modem right after pickup and get a full refund?

      In general? No.

      If you pickup the modem and decide you do not need it (by returning it to mailbox), we will not refund your order.

      The modem has been taken out of possible use for others, we have paid the reseller for delivery as you have picked up the modem, we have paid for return postage and we have to wait for the modem to return by post before being able to rent it out again.

      If you return the modem back to pickup location around time of scheduled pickup, we consider a full refund in very special cases. You need to get verification from us or staff at pickup location that you have returned right away and the box is ok/unopened.

    • Dunkin Donuts is closing. Can I still pickup my modem?

      Yes of course. The Dunkin Donuts is/was located at Ten Eleven Grocery Store in the Arrivals hall. The store is still there and you will even be able to buy Dunkin Donuts as the production will continue.

    • I lost my return box/my box is damaged beyond usage

      No problem. You can send it in normal envelope via post (250 gr. stamp and envelope can be bought at the post office/souvenir shop. The postal address is: Trawire, PoBox 24, 270 Mosfellsbaer.

    • Easiest return?

      All modems are returned with the same orenge box it came in. Just drop the modem-box to nearest mailbox. There are mailboxes for returning the modem at Keflavik International Airport.

      One mailbox is  in the check-in hall and another one in the main  food hall after the security gate.

      The easiest return method is at the Airport Departure hall (near Icelandair check-in). 

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